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Paul Adams Paul Adams

Growing In All Circumstances

In this insightful sermon, Pastor Michael Olivier explores the theme "Growing in All Circumstances," encouraging listeners not to let life's difficulties derail their faith but to grow through them by seeking God and His purpose in every situation.

The Giant of Circumstances:

Pastor Michael discusses how daily circumstances, whether big or small, can stir emotions like frustration, anger, and fear. Drawing from James 1:2-4, he challenges us to decide whether these challenges will dictate our faith or help us grow through them.

Remind Yourself That God is With You: Referencing Hebrews 13:5 and Romans 8:31-32, Pastor Michael emphasises that no matter the situation, God is always by our side, guiding and strengthening us.

Keep Your Eyes on God as Your Source: He encourages us to look to God as our provider, citing Deuteronomy 2:7 and Philippians 4:19, reminding us that God will supply all our needs in any circumstance.

Submit Yourself to God's Ways: Drawing from Romans 8:28-29 and Psalm 19:14, Pastor Michael calls for trust in God's higher plan, urging us to submit to His will and grow in character through life's trials.

Join Pastor Michael Olivier as he teaches how to remain steadfast in faith and grow through all circumstances by leaning on God's presence, provision, and purpose.

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Paul Adams Paul Adams

Slaying Your Giant

In this sermon, Pastor Jason dives deep into the powerful story of David and Goliath, found in 1 Samuel 17. We often see Goliath as the obvious enemy, but Pastor Jason challenges us to consider a different giant—the giant of fear. He explains how fear, like the one that gripped the hearts of the Israelites, can grow so big that it prevents us from fulfilling God’s purpose in our lives.

Drawing from David’s example, Pastor Jason reminds us that fear isn’t always a bad thing. Fear can be a natural response that helps us process danger and stay alert. However, when fear overwhelms us to the point where we stop moving forward or enjoying life, it becomes unhealthy. The real enemy isn’t external circumstances but the internal battle we face against our own fear.

David’s victory wasn’t just over Goliath but over the fear that crippled everyone else. Pastor Jason encourages listeners to adopt David’s mindset of faith, trusting fully in God, and recognising that God is far bigger than any challenge we face. The key to slaying the giant of fear is to strengthen our faith, which comes by hearing and meditating on God’s Word.

Join us as we learn how to conquer fear and step boldly into the purpose God has for our lives!

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Paul Adams Paul Adams

Is it Possible That…?

In this episode Rev Mark Greenwood explores practical strategies for engaging in meaning full conversations and and sharing faith with others. With a focus on everyday encounters, Mark offers insights on how to approach dialogues, curiosity and compassion. Whether you're looking to deepen your faith or simply connect with others on a spiritual level, this episode provides actionable advice to help you navigate these important conversations.

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Paul Adams Paul Adams

Your Life Counts

In this episode entitled "Your Life Counts," Pastor Michael Olivier dives into the importance of understanding your unique, God-given role within the church. Pastor Olivier encourages every listener to recognise that they are a vital member of the body of Christ, with a purpose that contributes to the greater good. He shares inspiring scripture, personal anecdotes, and practical advice on how to discover and embrace your spiritual gifts, emphasising that no role is too small in God's plan. Tune in to be reminded that your life truly counts in the grand design of God's kingdom.

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Paul Adams Paul Adams

Good News

In this enlightening sermon, Pastor Jason Heron delves into the theme of "Good News," emphasising the power and importance of the Gospel as the answer to the world's deepest needs, based on Isaiah 2:7. He challenges listeners to be active in sharing their faith and praying for those who have yet to know the Lord.

Key Highlights:

Sin Problem:

Drawing from Romans 3:22-23, Pastor Jason reminds us that all have sinned, and no one is without fault. He emphasises the importance of sharing the Gospel with wisdom and compassion, recognising our shared fallen nature.


Romans 6:23 reveals the price of sin—death—and the reality of Heaven and hell. Pastor Jason underscores that the only way to eternal life is through Jesus Christ.

Solution - Jesus:

Highlighting Romans 5:6-8, he explains that salvation cannot be earned by good works; it is a gift from God through Jesus, who paid our debt on the cross.


In Romans 10:9-13, the call to respond in faith is made clear. Pastor Jason encourages listeners to make a personal decision to accept Jesus as their Saviour, as salvation is a personal journey.


Reflecting on Romans 1:16-17, he urges listeners to examine whether they have made this commitment, stressing that salvation is not inherited but personally embraced.

Join Pastor Jason Heron in this powerful sermon as he presents the core message of the Gospel, urging us to respond in faith, pray for the lost, and boldly share the Good News.

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Paul Adams Paul Adams

Persistent Prayer

In this insightful sermon, Worship Director Donna Akodu delves into the power of persistent prayer, drawing from Matthew 7:7-8 and Luke 18:1-8. She emphasises that effective prayer is marked by persistence, highlighting that we should keep asking, seeking, and knocking as Jesus taught.

Key Highlights:

Effective Prayer is Persistent Prayer: Donna references theologian Clement of Alexandria, who stressed the importance of unceasing pursuit in prayer. Persistence in prayer not only leads to finding but also to marvelling, reigning, and ultimately resting in God's will.

Persistence Leads to Faith: Through the parable of the persistent widow, Donna illustrates how small prayers are often answered quickly, while larger requests may take time. The widow's unwavering persistence, despite being powerless in her society, led to her faith growing and eventually to the judge taking action on her behalf.

Persistence Leads to Purpose: Persistence isn't just about the immediate answer; it's about staying true to the purpose behind the prayer. Like the widow who sought justice, we must continue to pursue our God-given purpose, even in the face of opposition, as encouraged in Galatians 6:9.

Persistence Through Process: Donna reminds us that the journey of persistence in prayer shapes us and prepares us for the outcome. It's not just about getting what we ask for but about the transformation that occurs as we persist through the process.

Join Donna Akodu in this powerful sermon as she encourages us to remain steadfast in prayer, trusting that persistence will lead to faith, purpose, and divine outcomes.

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Paul Adams Paul Adams

The Power of The Promise

In this enlightening sermon, Pastor Michael Olivier delves into the theme "The Power of The Promise," emphasising the crucial role of God's promises in our lives, as described in Hebrews 6.

Key Highlights:

Anchor for Our Souls: God's promises and the hope they bring are likened to a trustworthy anchor for our souls, providing stability and preventing us from drifting away during life's storms.

Gift of Grace: These promises are a generous provision of God's grace, not something we earn or deserve. They are gifts that reinforce our faith and dependence on God.

Reality Check: Recognising our need for God's help is essential; believing we don't need it is delusional. God's promises remind us of our reliance on Him.

Knowing God's Will: God's promises also guide us in understanding His will. 1 John 5:14 assures us that He hears our prayers when we ask according to His will.

Childlike Faith: The appropriate response to God's promises is with childlike faith, trusting wholeheartedly in His word and provision.

Join Pastor Michael Olivier in this sermon as he explores the profound impact of God's promises on our spiritual journey, teaching us to embrace them with faith and gratitude.

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Paul Adams Paul Adams

Jonathan’s Armour-Bearer

In this insightful sermon, Pastor Jason Heron draws lessons from 1 Samuel 14:6-7, focusing on the themes of faith, trust, and unity in the face of adversity. The story of Jonathan and his armour-bearer highlights the importance of relying on God and supporting one another in pursuit of a common goal.

Key Highlights:

Jonathan Had Faith in God: Despite being outnumbered, Jonathan believed that if God was involved, victory was assured. Faith is described as the "currency" in this spiritual journey, underscoring the importance of trusting God completely.

Armour-Bearer Trusted Jonathan: The armour-bearer exemplifies trust by supporting Jonathan's bold actions. This relationship shows the power of acting on God's character and the dangers of inaction due to fear.

Jonathan Had Faith in His Armour-Bearer: Jonathan's reliance on his armour-bearer highlights the necessity of teamwork and mutual trust. It underscores that success often requires collaboration and support from others.

Encouragement and Support: The armour-bearer's role included encouraging Jonathan, showing the importance of surrounding oneself with supportive people who uplift and motivate.

Willingness to Serve: The armour-bearer's readiness to serve Jonathan's vision, even without seeking recognition, teaches a lesson in humility and dedication.

Dependability: The importance of being reliable and following through on commitments is emphasised, as the armour-bearer consistently supported Jonathan.

Protection and Loyalty: The armour-bearer's loyalty and protection of Jonathan highlight the value of having trustworthy allies who safeguard us from unexpected challenges.

Join Pastor Jason Heron as he explores these timeless lessons on faith, trust, and the strength found in unity and shared purpose.

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Paul Adams Paul Adams

The Real You

In this transformative sermon, Dominic and Catherine De Souza delve into the theme "The Real You," focusing on embracing the identity Christ has given us and partnering with the Holy Spirit to become who we are meant to be. Drawing from Ephesians 4:21-24, they discuss the ongoing process of becoming more like Jesus and truly understanding our new identity in Christ.

Key Highlights:

Be the True You:

Biblical Truths: Upon accepting Jesus as Lord and Saviour, we become a completely new creation. Identity in God: Life experiences can obscure these truths, but our mistakes do not define us. Christ redeems every part of our story, making us children of God.

Throw Off the Old You:

Leaving the Past Behind: Following Jesus means our old way of life is behind us, though it may resurface.

Paul's Encouragement: We must actively pursue what God has for us, viewing this as a revolution, not just a resolution.

Let the Spirit Renew You:

Mind Renewal: The Holy Spirit transforms our wrong mindsets, aligning our thoughts with God's truth. Believing God's Truth: We must stop believing lies and start believing what God says about us.

Join Dominic and Catherine De Souza as they explore the journey of becoming who Christ has made us to be, emphasising the importance of rejecting old ways, embracing our new identity, and allowing the Holy Spirit to renew our minds.

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Paul Adams Paul Adams

Prayer of Jabez

In this enlightening sermon called "Prayer of Jabez", Pastor Lynda Heron explores the powerful Prayer of Jabez from 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, focusing on themes of blessing, growth, and divine support.

Key Highlights:

Bless Me & Grow Me:

Enlarge My Territory: Jabez, whose name means "pain," boldly asked God to bless him and expand his territory. Despite his name's meaning, he stood out in a list of genealogies by crying out to Almighty God for blessings.

Boldness in Prayer: Jabez's approach to God was confident, reminding us to approach the throne of grace boldly as stated in Hebrews 4:16.

Spiritual and Physical Growth: Jabez sought not only physical expansion but also spiritual growth, emphasiSing that God has a higher agenda, purpose, and possibilities for us.

Transformation: Jabez, initially associated with pain, became known as a prayer warrior.

Hold Me:

Divine Support: Jabez asked for God's hand to be with him, mirroring Jacob's determination to not let go of God until blessed.

Dependence on God: Emphasising the necessity of relying on God's support, Pastor Lynda underscores that living a Christian life requires holding onto God's hand.

Join Pastor Lynda Heron in this inspiring sermon as she delves into the profound lessons from Jabez’s prayer, encouraging us to boldly seek God's blessings, embrace spiritual growth, and rely on His steadfast support.

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Paul Adams Paul Adams

Working Out Our Faith

In this engaging episode, Pastor Jason Heron delves into the theme of "Working Out Our Faith," emphasising the importance of time, talents, and treasures in our spiritual journey.

Key Highlights:

Managing Time Wisely:

Time, a precious gift from God, cannot be created or bought, but can be managed with wisdom. Romans 12:1 calls us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, urging us to serve God actively.

Offering Talents and Skills:

Drawing from John 13:14-17, Pastor Jason highlights the blessing of serving. We must serve God first, then others, leaving our ego aside. God made each of us unique, so we must use our talents to serve the Body of Christ, not just be consumers.

Offering Treasure to Advance the Kingdom:

Addressing 2 Corinthians 9:12-13, Pastor Jason discusses the often-taboo topic of money in the church. He emphasises the importance of integrating God into our financial plans and developing a habit of generosity.

Offering Witness to the World:

Acts 1:8 reminds us that we have the power to be witnesses. The Word of God should not stay within church walls but must be shared with the world.

Join Pastor Jason Heron in this inspiring episode as he challenges us to manage our time wisely, offer our talents and skills, integrate God into our financial plans, and boldly witness to the world, thereby truly working out our faith.

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Paul Adams Paul Adams

Continue with God

In this insightful sermon called "Continue with God" Pastor Michael Olivier encourages listeners to prioritise their pursuit of God over temporary worldly achievements such as relationships, jobs, or salaries. He emphasises that our ultimate goal should be a deep and intentional relationship with God.

Key Highlights:

Relationship with a Person: Pursuing God is about developing a relationship with a person, not just adopting a lifestyle. Pastor Michael draws on scriptures such as Mark 12:30, Exodus 33:15, Psalm 27:4, and Philippians 3:7-10 to illustrate this point.

Intentional Relationship: A relationship with God doesn’t happen naturally; it requires deliberate effort and commitment.

How to Pursue God?

Prayer: Engage in regular, heartfelt communication with God.

Church: Participate in church activities to foster community and spiritual growth.

The Word: Immerse yourself in the Bible to understand God's will and deepen your faith.

Join Pastor Michael Olivier in this sermon as he guides us on how to intentionally pursue and deepen our relationship with God, ensuring that our focus remains on the eternal rather than the temporary.

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Consolidate Paul Adams Consolidate Paul Adams

Elim Missions Sunday

In this powerful sermon, Pastors Lynda and Jason Heron commemorate the darkest day in Elim history—Friday, June 23, 1978, in the Vumba Mountains of northern Zimbabwe. Pastor Jason reminds us that following Christ comes with a price, but despite the cost, it is worth every sacrifice.

Reflecting on the early church, Pastor Jason speaks about the essential elements present when God moved by His Holy Spirit. The early church was filled with power to witness the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, offering hope of salvation and eternal life to all who believe. This mission remains unchanged today.

Key Highlights:

Historical Reflection: Remembering the sacrifices made on June 23, 1978, in Zimbabwe. Cost of Discipleship: Following Christ involves sacrifices, but the reward is eternal and invaluable.

Mission of the Church: The call to be witnesses, to be salt and light in a world that needs Jesus, remains our mandate.

Empowerment by the Holy Spirit: Just as the early church was empowered to spread the message of Jesus, we too must seek the Holy Spirit's power.

Call to Action: We must pray for boldness and consider what we are willing to sacrifice to follow Jesus.

Join Pastors Lynda and Jason Heron in this stirring message as they challenge us to reflect on our commitment to Christ and the sacrifices we are willing to make to fulfil our divine mission.

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Consolidate Paul Adams Consolidate Paul Adams

Father God

In this sermon called "Father God," Pastor Lynda Heron explores the parable of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15:11, highlighting themes of freedom and favour in our relationship with God. Part of the Consolidate campaign, the message underscores the transformative love and grace of our Heavenly Father.

Key Highlights:

Freedom of the Father: Luke 15:12 illustrates the freedom granted by God, who desires genuine love over forced devotion.

Favour of the Father: Luke 15:22-23 depicts the joy in Heaven for every saved soul, emphasising God's immense love.

Purpose and Forgiveness: Reflect on God's plan for us, the need for forgiveness, and His unfailing love.

Join Pastor Lynda Heron to delve into God's profound love and favour.

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Consolidate Paul Adams Consolidate Paul Adams

Mind of Christ

In this thought-provoking sermon entitled "Mind of Christ," Pastor Simon Foster explores the spiritual battle for our minds, inspired by Ephesians 3:14-20. He highlights the devil's strategy to infiltrate our minds with negativity and the importance of adopting the mind of Christ.

Key Highlights:

Mind of Christ: Romans 12:2 calls for a transformation to align our thoughts with Christ’s brilliant mind, seeing possibilities instead of problems.

Knowledge vs. Spirit: Balance modern knowledge with the early church's Spirit-empowerment, living by faith.

Promise-Centric Living: Focus on God's promises and immerse yourself in His Word.

Shift Focus: Stop partnering with problems and live in God's promises, remembering His past, present, and future works.

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Consolidate Paul Adams Consolidate Paul Adams

Remember Me

In this heartfelt episode called "Remember Me," Pastor Jason Heron delves into the profound significance of the Eucharist, inspired by 1 Corinthians 11:17. The term "Eucharist" means "Thank You meal," symbolising gratitude in Christian worship.

Look Behind: Reflect on Jesus' sacrifice and our immense value in God's eyes.

Look Forward: Assurance of Christ's return and the importance of fully surrendering to Him.

Look Within: Examine one's spiritual and moral walk before taking Communion.

Look Around: Emphasize community, inclusivity, and helping others selflessly.

Join us to remember, reflect, and renew our commitment to Christ.

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Consolidate Paul Adams Consolidate Paul Adams

Consolidate: Story of Naaman

In this week’s insightful episode, Pastor Mike Nicholls shares his powerful sermon from May 26, 2024, continuing our “Consolidate” campaign inspired by Acts 4:32. Pastor Mike explores the compelling story of Naaman from 2 Kings 5:1-3, drawing lessons on purpose, presumption, and pride.

1.) Positioned for Purpose

We all face battles, some unseen and hard to fight

Learn from the remarkable actions of the young girl in the scripture, despite her obscure background

Understand that your purpose is not determined by your position but by your perspective

Reflect on your own purpose: Do you know what it is? Do you need help finding it? Have you sought guidance from others?

2.) The Trap of Presumption

Presumption can lead to disappointment and hinder ur spiritual growth

Explore how expecting God to act in specific ways limits both Him and ourselves

Recognise how presumption can stifle your expectations and impact your communication and decision-making processes

3.) The Trap of Pride

Pride can subtly infiltrate our lives, affecting our relationships and decisions

Seek God’s help in identifying and addressing areas where pride may be affecting you

Embrace humility and openness to allow God to work more effectively in your life

Pastor Mike’s sermon encourages deep reflection on our spiritual journeys, urging us to shift our perspectives, avoid the traps of presumption and pride, and seek a purposeful life aligned with God’s will.

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Consolidate Paul Adams Consolidate Paul Adams

Consolidate: Day of Pentecost

Join us for this week's enlightening episode featuring guest speaker Rev. Dave Campbell, recorded on 19th of May 2024, as part of our ongoing "Consolidate" campaign, based on Acts 4:32. Rev. Dave delves into the transformative events of the Day of Pentecost, exploring the significance of speaking in tongues and its divine origins as recounted in Acts 2.

Rev. Dave's sermon invites us to reflect deeply on or spiritual journey, encouraging us to embrace simplicity, confront our fears, and open our hearts to the blessings of the Holy Spirit. Tune in for an inspiring session that promises to enrich your faith and understanding.

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Consolidate Paul Adams Consolidate Paul Adams

Consolidate: You Will Be My Witnesses

Welcome to "Be My Witnesses," a compelling episode of our Consolidate series on the podcast. Today, Pastor Jason Heron delves into Acts 1:7-8,

In this episode:


Pastor Heron reminds us of the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Reflecting on the disciples' initial expectations, he emphasises that Jesus taught them to share His love with others, challenging listeners to consider the impact of Christ's second coming on their lives.


Highlighting the great opposition faced when advancing the Kingdom of God, Pastor Heron draws inspiration from the perseverance of Apostle Paul. He encourages listeners to examine their spiritual closeness to God, offering hope and counsel for those seeking to reconnect with their faith.

Join us as we explore the urgency of Christ's return and the call to be bold witnesses despite opposition. Discover how you can finish strong in your faith journey and find renewed purpose in sharing God's love with others. Tune in to "Be My Witnesses" and embrace the challenge of living as a faithful witness in a world that needs the hope of Jesus Christ.

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Consolidate Paul Adams Consolidate Paul Adams

Consolidate: Devoted to Pray

Welcome to "Devoted to Prayer," a segment of our Consolidate Campaign. In this episode, Guest Speaker: Pastor Simon Lawton delves into Acts 4:2:42-47, highlighting the importance of cultivating a devoted prayer life.

Pastor Simon emphasises that prayer is not just a religious ritual but a dynamic connection with a God who answers prayers. He quotes Yongi Cho, who said, “Nothing you can do will benefit you more than prayer,” underscoring the profound impact prayer can have on our lives.

Why is prayer so vital?

1. Prayer draws us closer to God: It fosters intimacy and deepens our relationship with Him.

2. Prayer gets us listening to God: Just as Jesus spent time in prayer, we too can hear from God when we prioritise prayer.

3. Prayer activates His promises: God is faithful to fulfil His promises as we pray in alignment with His will.

4. Prayer gets results: Jesus encourages us to persist in prayer, knowing that it yields fruit.

5. Prayer brings breakthrough: It invites God’s intervention in challenging situations.

6. Prayer brings power: It taps into God's strength and enables us to overcome obstacles.

7. Prayer is fuelled by faith & builds faith: It cultivates trust in God's ability to answer and respond.

8. Prayer is a leader’s chief work: Effective leadership is grounded in prayer.

9. Prayer unites us: It strengthens the bond within the church community.

10. Prayer is the foundation of the church: It underpins the church's mission and vision.

Reflecting on these truths, Pastor Simon invites listeners to assess their prayer life—how much they pray and whether they understand the power of prayer. He reassures those unfamiliar with prayer that it can be learned and encourages openness in sharing specific prayer needs with others.

Join us as we explore the transformative impact of a devoted prayer life and discover the profound blessings that come from connecting with God through prayer. Tune in to deepen your understanding of prayer and experience its life-changing effects in your journey of faith.

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