On Your Marks: A Rough Journey

We continue our insightful "On Your Marks" campaign with a powerful message from our guest speaker, Rev. Mark Greenwood. In this episode, titled 'A Rough Crossing,' Mark delves into the challenges life throws our way, drawing inspiration from Mark 4:35-41.

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes storms hit us when we least expect them.  He reflects on the impact this causes, emphasising that no one is immune to their effects.

Using vivid imagery, he paints a picture of furious squall waves breaking over the boat's bows, asking us if we've  ever felt nearly swamped by the challenges life brings. Mark encourages us to navigate these storms with faith and resilience. 

Walking with Jesus may not always be smooth sailing, but Mark assures us that Jesus will guide us through the rough waters. He reminds us not to mistake God's stillness for inactivity, highlighting that His calm presence in the storm does not equate to a lack of authority.

As we face the storms of life, Mark  encourages us to stay calm, assuring us that Jesus is with us in the middle of the storm. So, join us for this impactful episode and learn how to navigate life's rough crossings with faith, resilience, and the assurance that you are not alone. Stay calm and stay tuned!

On Your Marks: A Rough Journey
Rev Mark Greenwood

On Your Marks: Friends, Faith and Forgiveness


On Your Marks: Introduction