Persistent Prayer

In this insightful sermon, Worship Director Donna Akodu delves into the power of persistent prayer, drawing from Matthew 7:7-8 and Luke 18:1-8. She emphasises that effective prayer is marked by persistence, highlighting that we should keep asking, seeking, and knocking as Jesus taught.

Key Highlights:

Effective Prayer is Persistent Prayer: Donna references theologian Clement of Alexandria, who stressed the importance of unceasing pursuit in prayer. Persistence in prayer not only leads to finding but also to marvelling, reigning, and ultimately resting in God's will.

Persistence Leads to Faith: Through the parable of the persistent widow, Donna illustrates how small prayers are often answered quickly, while larger requests may take time. The widow's unwavering persistence, despite being powerless in her society, led to her faith growing and eventually to the judge taking action on her behalf.

Persistence Leads to Purpose: Persistence isn't just about the immediate answer; it's about staying true to the purpose behind the prayer. Like the widow who sought justice, we must continue to pursue our God-given purpose, even in the face of opposition, as encouraged in Galatians 6:9. Persistence Through Process: Donna reminds us that the journey of persistence in prayer shapes us and prepares us for the outcome. It's not just about getting what we ask for but about the transformation that occurs as we persist through the process.

Join Donna Akodu in this powerful sermon as she encourages us to remain steadfast in prayer, trusting that persistence will lead to faith, purpose, and divine outcomes.


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